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Electronic Patient Record

In our commitment to delivering our mission of safe, compassionate and joined-up care to all our patients and across our local communities, we launched our Electronic Patient Record in October 2022.

This was a massive undertaking and required the time and support of hundreds of colleagues - we are grateful to everyone involved. We wanted to ensure that we could support colleagues in delivering the best care for our patients through digital technology. The EPR set out to give clinician's faster access to more accurate information transforming healthcare delivery across our region.


There have been challenges along the way and this is only the start of the journey but we have seen some key benefits:


  • Better clinical outcomes driven by one contemporaneous record available at our fingertips
  • Accessible records for all involved in patient care
  • Reducing the need for repetitive sharing of information one record flowing through a patients journey
  • Ability to access the Health Information Exchange; HIE through the patient record better sharing of records regionally
  • A positive impact to achieve a net zero carbon footprint by 2045 with a reduction in paper
  • Improved efficiency and performance by using data to get it right first time, every time
  • Simplified appointment and clinic management with real time booking.


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'I am writing to congratulate you on your wonderful staff you have working for you at DMH.'

Patient, Catering / Porters / Domestics, Darlington Memorial Hospital