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Francis Report


Trust's response to the Francis Report - summary

Robert Francis' report was published in February 2013.  One recommendation was that all NHS bodies should consider with staff the relevance of the recommendations to their own situation, and take action as appropriate.

CLICK HERE to download the Trust Board's response to the Francis report.

The Department of Health asked that trusts publish their response to the Francis report by the end of 2013.

This paper summarises the work undertaken during 2013 within the Trust to respond to the issues raised in Robert Francis QC's report into Mid-Staffordshire Hospitals NHS Trust

The findings and recommendations included in Robert Francis' report have been considered at all levels within the Trust:


  • Senior staff used meetings between March and May to consider the Francis report formally, reporting minuted/noted discussions through to Board committees.


  • Executive Directors attended team meetings across the organisation


  • A series of Trust wide "by invitation" staff listening events took place, and were attended by 532 staff


  • In September, at two larger scale events "Great All Round" Executive Directors discussed organisational priorities with staff.  This was repeated on 4 November.


  • The Trust Board met on 13 February 2013 for a preliminary discussion, and subsequently discussed the report at its meetings on:


  • 23 February 2013
  • 24 April 2013
  • 22 May 2013
  • 19 July 2013 (also discussed by the Audit Committee)
  • 23 October 2013


  • The Francis Report, Berwick and Keogh reports were the subject of a Board seminar on 27 November 2013


At each Board meeting, directors have been updated on work that has been under taken within the Trust.

Click on the link to view a video of the Great All Round staff engagement event in September 2013.

'I am writing to congratulate you on your wonderful staff you have working for you at DMH.'

Patient, Catering / Porters / Domestics, Darlington Memorial Hospital