Under the Data Protection Act (2018), you have a legal right to ask for access to health information held about you. A health record contains information about your health recorded by a health care professional as part of your care. It can contain notes, letters, results or x-rays. You do not have to give a reason to gain access to records about your care.

Under the Data Protection Act (2018), you can apply to access someone else's health records if you are authorised to do so. You must have consent from the patient or have legal authority e.g. power of attorney or legal basis for access. Proof of authorisation must be submitted with the request.

Under the terms of the Access to Health Records Act (1990), you will only be able to access a deceased persons health records if you are the personal representative, the Executor or someone who has a claim arising from the death. Proof must be submitted with the request.

To request access to your health records, or to do so on behalf of someone else, you need to read the guidance documentation for Data Subject Access Requests (living person) and complete the relevant application form.

To request health records for a deceased person, you are required to read the guidance documentation for Data Subject Access Requests (deceased person) and complete the relevant application form.

All completed application forms should be returned to the Access to Health department via email or post. Copies of the guidance documentation and application forms can also be requested in the same way. For postal requests, please contact the team at: Access to Health Team, County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust, University Hospital of North Durham, North Road, Durham, DH1 5TW.