Executive and Non Executive Directors
The following Trust Board meetings will be held in public:
Meetings will usually commence at 9am.
You are welcome to attend these meetings and observe the CDDFT Board of Directors. Present at the meeting will be the Trust’s Chairman, Chief Executive and the Board of Directors.
During the meeting, only the Directors will be able to discuss the topics on the agenda. There is no legal or other such right for members of the public to be involved in the discussions at these meetings, nor can we guarantee there will be an opportunity for questions during the meeting. Nonetheless, if time or an opportunity allows, the Chairman may invite questions from the general public in attendance at the meeting.
We publish agendas and supporting documents in advance of meetings. In order to manage the size of the packs, appendices and late papers are not included but are available on request.
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If you require any of the documents found on these pages in an alternative format, please get in touch with the Foundation Trust Office.