Improving learning outcomes in a captivating environment

Moulage is originally a French word for moulding but in modern times has become synonymous with the application of simulated illnesses or wounds on a manikin in order to better train healthcare professionals. 

In medical simulation, moulage, wardrobe and props are utilised with medical simulators in-order to provide assessment clues to healthcare students and professionals.

This process of using moulage began around the 19th century when instructors took moulds of real-life cases to help demonstrate illnesses or wounds to future medical students. 

Paramedics, firefighters, the military and other first responders primarily utilise trauma moulage while nurses, physicians, surgeons and other primary care providers primarily utilise medical moulage.

While almost every simulated patient case dealing with trauma requires moulage, medically simulated representations of internal illnesses do not always require the use of makeup. 

Yet simple moulage techniques such as the application of water to demonstrate sweating due to fever, or the use of blue watercolours on the manikin's skin to cue hypotension can be used for even the most mild of infections. 

Complicated moulage techniques such as trauma moulage usually require a great deal of preparation.
By taking the time to include moulage in your simulation experiences, learners will be provided the most realistic patient representation possible. Increased realism tends to improved learning outcomes, as participants find themselves captivated by the experience that closely resembles potential clinical realities. 

When should you use moulage? Any time you suggest to learners "Imagine the patient has [condition]", as patients don't arrive in most clinical environments with a yellow sticky on their leg that simply says "bleeding here". 

By showing learners a representation of the intended "condition", clinical educators better enable self-directed learning during patient assessment and care.