About the course

This course is delivered in conjunction with the Northern Schools of Anaesthesia. It is designed for new anaesthetic trainees to provide a practical experience and guidance to complement their experience in theatre. 

The course aims to ease trainee anxieties during their first three months of anaesthetic training to prepare them for on calls. 

The days become increasingly complex over the course and should help trainees to achieve the Royal College of Anaesthetists' competencies, which will subsequently allow them to anaesthetise without direct supervision. Learning outcomes:

  • Demonstrate how to check an anaesthetic machine as per AAGBI (Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland)
  • Discuss the benefits of planning anaesthesia and the implications of failing to do so
  • Perform a successful rapid sequence induction on the simulator under supervision
  • Demonstrate management of the shocked patient including safe anaesthesia
  • Demonstrate management of a failed intubation to the standard expected to pass The Royal College of Anaesthetists' Assessment on Intubation and Resuscitation (IAC_D03 and IAC_D06)
  • Be aware of a variety of adverse incidents which may occur during routine anaesthetic practice

Course lead

Derek Randles – please email: derek.randles@nhs.net.