Providing a great learning experience

Undergraduate medical education is an integral part of our medical education department. We aim to provide a great learning experience in a Trust environment, where clinical work is the priority. We have medical students on placement from the University of Newcastle medical school. We’re supported by a clinical teaching team comprising of tutors, nurses and junior medical staff, as well as other healthcare professionals.

In addition, we also: 

  • Aim to provide teaching sessions that are of a high standard
  • Will identify and provide learning opportunities that meet the learning outcomes of the curriculum
  • Will encourage students to make the most of any clinical opportunities
  • Will offer individual support and guidance to all our students
  • Will maintain open lines of communication with all relevant parties
  • Will endeavour to provide a positive learning environment, leading to potential recruits for the future

Please view our leaflet for all key information. 

More information come soon!

More information coming soon!

In 2017 we began hosting placements for Physician Associate (PA) students from Newcastle medical school. Since then, we have continued to invest further and we have increased support from Undergraduate Clinical Teaching Fellows. 

Physician Associate undergraduates are given the same internal training opportunities as medical students (e.g. regular teaching, ILS and clinical simulation) but with an increased emphasis on peripatetic ward based training.

In 2022, we employed several Physician Associates, with plans to create additional posts in the future. These also have access to training opportunities afforded to the Foundation Doctors including ward based teaching, ILS and clinical simulation for example.

For more information please contact John Lewandowski, Senior Nurse Teaching Fellow: