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Health information over the Easter weekend

Everyone should stay home in line with government guidance.

If you or someone you live with has coronavirus symptoms (high temperature and/or a new continuous cough):

  • Stay at home.
  • If your symptoms worsen or you feel that you cannot manage at home, please refer to the NHS111 online coronavirus service. Only call 111 if you can't get online or you've been instructed to.
  • Please do not go to your GP practice or community pharmacy.

If you or people you live with don't have coronavirus symptoms and you think you need advice from a GP practice or pharmacy for a health concern:

GP practices over the bank holiday

  • GP practice services on Good Friday (10 April) and Easter Monday (13 April) will be available the same as any normal weekday. This may be at your practice or another nearby service.
  • On Saturday 11 April and Sunday 12 April, GP access will be the same as any other weekend.

If you think you need to talk to your GP practice about something other than coronavirus:

1.  Contact your GP practice online or by phone to be assessed. If your practice is not open for any reason you will be directed to another nearby service.

2.  If a face-to-face appointment is necessary, you'll be advised on this.

Community pharmacy services over the bank holiday

  • Many community pharmacies will be open for a minimum of three hours on Good Friday (10 April) and Easter Monday (13 April) with some pharmacies being open longer. Please check your pharmacy website or phone for details.
  • Community pharmacy opening hours on Saturday 11 April will be the same as normal and for Sunday 12 April will be the same as any normal Easter Sunday.

Pharmacists and their teams are an essential part of the NHS and need your help and support during the coronavirus pandemic. Always treat our staff with respect, they are doing their best to provide you with the medicines and advice you need.

Important information on prescriptions during the COVID-19 epidemic

1.  Order repeat prescriptions in your usual quantities at the usual time. Over ordering of your medicines may mean someone else has to go without their medicines.

2.  Order your usual prescription online or by an app. Do not go to your GP practice or pharmacy to order prescriptions and only phone them if you cannot order online or by an app. You can order repeat prescriptions on the NHS App and through your GP surgery or pharmacy's online service, where available. You can find out about ordering medicines online at

3.  If you have a prescription to collect:

  • If you are 70 or over, have a long-term health condition or are pregnant you should arrange collection by a relative or friend, or ask your pharmacy for help with delivery
  • Ask any relatives and friends who are delivering your medicines to make sure they have seen you pick up the bag
  • If your medicines are being delivered make sure you keep a safe distance when you receive them.


1.  For everyone else, if you are going into a pharmacy in person, follow social distancing rules and the rules put in place by the pharmacy to protect you and their staff

2.  Pharmacies may have altered opening times to manage their workload

3.  Sales of some medicines may be restricted in quantity by pharmacies to ensure that there is enough for everyone.


Published 9th April 2020


'The treatment I have received from all the staff has been excellent and could you extend my thanks to them all. A very thankful and relieved patient'.

Patient, Dermatology Outpatients Department, University Hospital of North Durham