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Staff Survey 2019

The results of the national staff survey 2019 are now publically available. The Trust carried out a sample survey of 1,250 colleagues from across the organisation with a final response rate of 44%.

The response rate saw an improvement from 26% in the previous year and placed us just below the national average response rate of 46%.

The Trust is measured against 48 combined acute and community trusts.

The response information will feed into the organisation's continuous and wider work on staff engagement and development which as shown in the following results is on a positive journey of improvement.

Headline key messages:

  • CDDFT is the 4th most improved overall positive score change out of 21 Trusts supported by Picker
  • Comparative analysis on the Trust's results for 2018 and 2019 highlights a statistically significant positive improvement in the two areas of safety culture and staff engagement. 
  • Improvement in 8 out of the 9 engagement indicator questions,1 remaining the same
  • An increase of 9% of people recommending us as a place to work

Areas of highest scores (Trust-wide):

The tables below show our top 5 scoring questions compared to average and most improved from last survey.

Top 5 scores (compared to average)


Q20. Had training, learning or development in the last 12 months


Q19f. Appraisal/performance review: training, learning or development needs identified


Q17d. Staff given feedback about changes made in response to reported errors/near misses/incidents


Q19a. Had appraisal/KSF review in last 12 months


Q19g. Definitely supported by manager to receive training, learning or development identified in appraisal


Most improved from last survey


Q13d. Last experience of harassment/bullying/abuse reported


Q17a. Organisation treats staff involved in errors/near misses/incidents fairly


Q21c. Would recommend organisation as place to work


Q17d. Staff given feedback about changes made in response to reported errors/near misses/incidents


Q4f. Have adequate materials, supplies and equipment to do my work


Areas for focus (Trust-wide):

Whilst the 2019 survey results indicate many improvements, there are also areas for focus and attention.  The tables below highlight our bottom 5 scores compared to average and least improved from last year.


Bottom 5 scores (compared to average)


Q11d. In last 3 months, have not come to work when not feeling well enough to perform duties


Q22c. Feedback from patients/service users is used to make informed decisions within directorate/department


Q12d. Last experience of physical violence reported


Q22b. Receive regular updates on patient/service user feedback in my directorate/department


Q21d. If friend/relative needed treatment would be happy with standard of care provided by organisation


Least improved from last survey


Q11f. Not felt pressure from colleagues to come to work when not feeling well enough


Q12a. Not experienced physical violence from patients/service users, their relatives or other members of the public


Q10b. Don't work any additional paid hours per week for this organisation, over and above contracted hours


Q13a. Not experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from patients/service users, their relatives or members of the public


Q22c. Feedback from patients/service users is used to make informed decisions within directorate/department


Planning is already underway to respond to this feedback, and which also takes into account the work which has taken place to support the Staff Matter refresh and the NHS Interim People Plan, and some areas of focus include:

  • Appraisal Review
  • Roll out of Talent Matters Strategy - includes pilot of a local Mary Seacole programme which commences this month (February).
  • Employee Wellbeing - includes recent recruitment of an Occupational Health Consultant lead and also regional work. The following checklist was produced before Christmas based on staff feedback.  


going home checklist


  • A campaign on zero tolerance around bullying, harassment and violence. Some early work on this agenda is taking place in the Emergency Departments with new communications visuals:      


  • Communications and Engagement - The past 12 months has seen a heightened level of bespoke engagement intervention through creating further channels to hear and act upon employee lived experience.  These interventions have been welcomed by our staff and it is important we continue 'the conversation' with them in the upcoming year to further strengthen our  understanding of what it feels like to work here and inform the design of ongoing support mechanisms. This will be supported by an increased focus on internal communications and employee engagement. 

A summary of the benchmark survey results for County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust and a copy of the full benchmark report have also been shared by email.

If you have any comments or queries about the staff survey then please email us:


Published 25th February 2020 





'I am writing to congratulate you on your wonderful staff you have working for you at DMH.'

Patient, Catering / Porters / Domestics, Darlington Memorial Hospital