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Thought about a career in Healthcare Science?

Our Healthcare scientists will be celebrating British Science Week by opening their doors to schools and the public on Wednesday 15 March 2017.

Joanne Ashton, Cardiac Clinical Scientist at University Hospital of North Durham said: "The chance to meet young people with an interest in science is an excellent opportunity to raise awareness and demonstrate the broad range of career opportunities within healthcare science. Many people don't realise the essential work we do, sometimes behind the scenes, but we're also often involved in direct patient care. Healthcare scientists and engineers make up 5% of the total NHS workforce and complement the clinical role in all kinds of ways - it's a myth that we only work in laboratories and never treat patients directly.  We push the boundaries and innovate, to constantly improve services.

"Audiologists, for instance, work with patients to diagnose problems with hearing, balance and tinnitus.  Medical Illustrators specialise in photography, graphic design, medical art or videography, producing material for use in patient care, education and teaching. Cardiac scientists program pacemaker devices to ensure they work effectively, as well as using ultrasound to help diagnose abnormalities with the structure and function of the heart.

"Healthcare scientists can make a real difference to patient experience and care".

Staff including scientists from Biochemistry and Nuclear Medicine will showcase their work with fun and interactive demonstrations and give advice on pursuing a career in healthcare science. The event will take place at Prospect House in Durham 9:00 am to 4:00pm.

Any teachers or schools wishing to attend, or to register a place, please email:

'I am writing to congratulate you on your wonderful staff you have working for you at DMH.'

Patient, Catering / Porters / Domestics, Darlington Memorial Hospital