Your therapy source: Lots of activities and games to try for handwriting, fine motor skills, visual perception, sensory motor and self-regulation, and life skills. Downloadable content and links to extra information.
Recycling OT: lots of different posts that have some helpful ideas such as hand exercises, games and ideas for fine motor skills, handwriting, organising etc.
Mama OT Blog: A helpful site that gives tips and tricks for parents and carers on independence skills.
Box of Ideas: a website that boasts 1000s of ideas, guidance and information for early years to employment, such as practical skills and ideas to try for home and school.
The OT Tool Box, some good sensory Self-Regulation ideas:
Kids Independently Developing Skills (KIDS):
The Henry Approach: HENRY provides a wide range of support for families from pregnancy to age 12 including workshops, programmes, resources and online help
Please click on the links below to view advice sheets in the following areas, if you have any trouble accessing the documents, please contact us and we'd be happy to help:
Sometimes writing can be difficult to read. Some children may struggle with pencil control, pressure and fluency; letter sizing and reversals, some ideas for these areas are included in this leaflet: Top Tips for Messy Handwriting
Handwriting can be slow for many different reasons, poor letter formation, difficulty copying from the board, or hands getting tired when writing. Some children may have 'bendy' finger joints. This means they can become tired or their hands may ache when writing large amounts of text. Some ideas to help with slower handwriting are included here: Top Tips for Slow Handwriting
Some useful websites to help with developing handwriting skills include:
Teach Handwriting:
National Handwriting Association:
Top Tips for Scissor Use
Postural control exercises
Developing Gross motor skills at school for children in Key Stage 1
Developing Gross motor skills at school for children in Key Stage 2
Being Organised
Feeding: Please have a look at our information leaflet that addresses cutlery ideas and managing picky eating: Feeding Leaflet
Cutlery: Please watch this short video on our recommendations for how to help develop cutlery skills, using your knife and fork together in play and moving onto food. It talks about the best cutlery to use for your child when devloping this skill. Cutlery Top Tips video.
Getting Dressed: Please have a look at our information leaflet that addresses the skills you can practice to help develop dressing skills. Getting Dressed Leaflet
Socks: Please watch this short video on our recommendations for how to make dressing socks easier and progressing this skill for your child. Socks Top Tips Video
Buttons and Fastenings: Please have a look at our information leaflet that gives some ideas on how to manage buttons and other fastenings when dressing. Managing buttons and fastenings Leaflet
Shoelaces: Please watch this short video on our recommendations for developing shoe lace tying. Shoelace Top Tips Video
Hair, Teeth and Nail Care: Please have a look at our information leaflet that gives some ideas on how to help manage hair/teeth brushing and hair/nail cutting. Hair, Teeth and Nails Leaflet
Toileting: Please have a look at our information leaflet to help give you some ideas on managing issues related to toileting. Toileting Leaflet
Developing Gross motor skills at home for children in Key Stage 1
Developing Gross motor skills at home for children in Key Stage 2
Developing Gross motor skills for children over 11
Activities to Encourage Sensory Play Adding More Sensory into Everyday Introducing a wider range of foods Tactile Experiences Treasure Baskets
Managing Noises
Sleep ideas
Fun and Games: Fun activities for children with hemiplegia. You will need to fill in the form to get access to this great resource. 'Fun n Games'
"Great ideas to help with homework ideas"
"I was helped to do things better" (child)