Providing a safe environment for everyone

We want to provide a safe environment that promotes health and reduces harm from exposure to second hand smoke. All our sites, including all buildings and grounds are now completely smoke free and there are no designated smoking areas. If you wish to smoke you will need to leave our hospital grounds to do so. 

We know that many people are giving up smoking by switching to e-cigarettes and vapes. The use of e-cigarettes and vapes are therefore permitted on our grounds as long as it is away from other people.

Help to stop smoking

If you’re a patient who smokes, we’re here to help as part of your stay in hospital. The NHS Tobacco Dependency Treatment Service offers a full range of treatment and care to help you manage your tobacco dependency and support your quick recovery.

Ask any member of staff about the Tobacco Dependency Treatment Service or email to find out more about what support is available to you.

Local Stop Smoking Services provide free expert advice, support and encouragement to help you stop smoking for good.