Types of hearing loss
We provide dedicated specialist audiologists who can advise, support and counsel anyone who experiences difficulty in communicating effectively because of a hearing problem or other related issues. We offer advice on a range of areas - see below for more details.
There is a difference between listening and hearing, listening is a skill and like any skill it needs confidence and practice. We can offer information to help improve those listening skills and improve confidence.
Adaption to change, the grief cycle, discussion of rehabilitation including equipment and any further management.
Addressing the correct equipment to the problems faced by the individual.
Loop systems, doorbells, telephones, streaming devices and alerting devices.
Individuals can be seen at University Hospital North Durham or Darlington Memorial Hospital. Initial assessments can be face to face or telephone and can take up to 1 hour to complete. During the assessment the Specialist Audiologist will take an in depth history of your concerns and needs and decide on the most appropriate management strategy. Subsequent appointments may be required depending on your circumstances and these can be arranged if required.
Our Specialist Audiologist have developed close links with other professionals within health and the community who specialise in other areas of rehabilitation, for example physiotherapy, the falls service, social services, lip reading or tai-chi classes. During an assessment it may be beneficial for you to access some of these services and we will discuss this with yourself. After any assessment, all relevant information will be passed to the necessary professionals as required.