Acute oncology service
The Breast Care Nursing Service is a team of Breast Care Nurses who are experienced in the care and support of patients with breast cancer and breast care related problems. They can help in many ways, including:
Our Breast Care Nurses work very closely with the specialist breast surgeons and other clinicians involved in your care to ensure that you are kept fully informed and supported throughout your care. You will have a dedicated Breast Care Nurse who is sometimes referred to as your key worker but you may see any member of the team.
The Breast Care Nurses are available in the breast and oncology clinics and will provide expert advice and both written and verbal information as required throughout your treatment. They work closely with the Clinical Research Team and may also be involved in discussing whether you may be eligible for participation in a Clinical Trial.
You will have contact with your breast care nurse from diagnosis and throughout any treatments. This may be at an outpatient appointment or on the telephone.
The Breast Care Nurses also run clinics for:
The team is committed to providing quality care and strives to continually improve the service in response to audit results, patient comments/feedback and current clinical evidence.
You will have regular contact with the Breast Care Nurses until approximately three months after you have finished all treatments. However if you have any concerns following this time you may still contact the service.