Cancer nursing and care teams
Being diagnosed with cancer can affect many areas of your life. This is why you may be offered a Holistic Needs Assessment. A HNA gives you a chance to think about your concerns and discuss possible solutions. It is called 'holistic' because the assessment looks at needs or concern you may have about any area of your life. It isn't just about looking at the symptoms of the cancer. These concerns may be physical, emotional, practical, financial or spiritual.
You will talk about any concerns you may have with a member of your healthcare team, which may be your cancer clinical nurse specialist (cancer nurse), cancer care coordinator, someone from the Macmillan Information Centre or Personalised Care team within CDDFT. Together you will make a plan to address your care and support needs.
Having an HNA is about recognising that any areas of your life affected by cancer are important. It gives you time to explore what resources, help and support are available.
Find our more about Holistic Needs assessment or visit Macmillan to watch a video called 'The Recovery Package' which has more information about the HNA.