Living with and beyond cancer can have a significant impact on somebody's appetite and weight. It is common to lose weight prior to being diagnosed and a lot of treatments for cancer can cause further weight loss. Some of these treatments like radiotherapy may also have lasting effects once they have finished, so it's important to keep an eye on your weight.

If you have been encouraged to follow a ‘low residue’ diet, please speak with your hospital team and ask to be referred to a dietitian.

If you would like further support with your general wellbeing, the Macmillan Joining the Dots team are able to offer a wide range of support about finances, physical health and emotional wellbeing.

For advice to help with unplanned weight loss and poor appetite, please see poor appetite

For advice regarding some nutrition related issues e.g. dry mouth, taste changes and reflux please see the useful documents and resources below.  

If you are experiencing swallowing difficulties (Dysphagia), please see  swallowing difficulties.