Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis are types of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).

Crohn's Disease can impact any part of your gut, from mouth to anus, whereas Ulcerative Colitis only affects the rectum or colon (the large bowel).

These disease are lifelong. You will have periods of good health (known as remission), but also may experience times when your symptoms become more active (known as flare-ups, or relapses). During a flare-up you are at increased risk of malnutrition. The inflammation in your gut can reduce the nutrition your body is able to absorb from food. You may also have a reduced appetite or symptoms which increase your losses such as diarrhoea. Working with a dietitian will allow you to minimise the risk of malnutrition, and identify any dietary causes of symptoms during remission.

If you are concerned about your weight please see our Poor Appetite section. For more detailed advice about diet and IBD please see the resources below.