Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a bowel disorder which affects the digestive system. It is called a functional disorder as the gut appears normal during scans and blood tests, however symptoms still occur, this can make IBS difficult to diagnose. Symptoms include abdominal pain or bloating, excess wind, constipation and/or diarrhoea. Living with IBS can be very challenging. There is no cure as such, but changes to your diet and lifestyle can help provide relief from symptoms.
The British Dietetic Association; Irritable Bowel Syndrome Food Fact sheet offers general dietary advice that can significantly improve your symptoms. We think this is the best place to start. These changes can be simple to make and usually offer symptom improvement for around 50% of patients. A dietitian can support you to make these changes, will ensure the changes are appropriate to your symptoms and can offer further guidance as needed.
You may also have heard of the "low FODMAP diet" which has been shown to improve symptoms of bloating, pain and diarrhoea by up to 80% for people with IBS. Although potentially effective, it can be difficult to follow so we recommend following the above more straightforward advice first. If this doesn't work, watch this helpful video on the low FODMAP diet and consider asking a healthcare professional to refer you to a dietitian.
Lifestyle changes can also make a big difference. These include mindfulness, addressing causes of stress or anxiety, seeking mental health support if required, implementing a good sleep pattern and including some gentle physical activity into your daily routine.
The Healthy Eating and Wellbeing section may also be helpful.