You can check if your child is overweight or underweight using the NHS BMI calculator*. BMI tells us whether our weight is right for our height and because children are growing, their BMI is given as a centile. Health professionals may plot your child's growth on a growth chart.

Avoid weighing your child too regularly as weight can fluctuate daily and repeated weighing could cause anxiety for both you and your child. Speak to your GP or Health Visitor for further guidance. The NHS BMI calculator will show if your child is a healthy weight using the centile ranges below:

  • Underweight: on the 2nd centile or below
  • Healthy weight: between the 2nd and 91st centiles
  • Overweight: 91st centile or above
  • Very overweight: 98th centile or above

*The NHS BMI calculator is not appropriate for children under 2 years, seek advice from your GP or health visitor.

If your child falls above or below the healthy weight range this can affect their overall health and wellbeing, including mental health issues like low self-esteem and self-confidence.

Consider visiting our section on healthy eating for more advice that may be appropriate for all children regardless of weight.  

Healthier Together North East and North Cumbria is a free website and app developed by local healthcare professionals to help parents keep their children safe and healthy, and have more information on ways you can encourage your children to have a healthy diet and healthy weight. Wellbeing for Life is a local service providing support with healthy eating, physical activity and more, both face-to-face within County Durham and online.