
This is an introduction to the Paediatric Weight Management videos provided by County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust. 

Designed to support families with overweight or obesity, to help you reach and maintain a healthier weight, whilst encouraging healthier lifestyle choices. These videos have been produced in collaboration with Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust - the mental health and learning disability trust for our region.

We recommend you complete each of the below videos and corresponding activities in the order shown, completing one video each week, so you have time to reflect on your learning.

Activity workbook

There is an activity workbook you can use to help you follow the activities in each video - you may have received a printed workbook in the post or you can download and print your own.

Video 1 - becoming a healthier family

The first video in this series can help your family to understand why you might feel motivated to become a healthier family, complications of overweight or obesity in children, why it is important to make lifestyle changes as a whole family, and behaviours you may choose to focus on together as a family.

This video includes activities ABCD and E in your workbook.

Video 2 - growing children

The second video can help you understand more about how children grow including understanding their growth chart, how to weigh children, and why we focus on maintaining a child's weight.

This video includes activity F in your workbook.

Video 3 - keeping a diary

Video 3 is all about keeping a diary. Food and physical activity diaries can help you notice trends in your families' habits, and reflecting on these diaries can help you to overcome obstacles.

This video includes activities GHIJ and K in your workbook.

Video 4 - healthier eating

During video 4 you can learn more about healthy eating, including the nourishing benefits of each food group, appropriate portion sizes for your family, drinks and staying hydrated, and understanding nutrient labels on food packaging.

This video includes activities LM and N in your workbook.

Video 5 - physical activity

Video 5 is all about physical activity. This video includes how to increase your physical activities and the benefits of this, understanding the importance of limiting sedentary behaviours, and overcoming challenges around active lifestyles.

This video includes activities O and P in your workbook.

Video 6 - eating habits

The 6th video is all about your families eating habits, including positive environments than may encourage you to choose healthier choices, methods to encourage fussy eaters to try new foods, extended family and other caregivers, and getting your children more involved with food.

This video includes activities Q and R in your workbook

Video 7 - healthy meals

Video 7 may help your family incorporate healthy meals into your lifestyle, including planning and cooking healthy meals and snacks. There is also tips around choosing budget-friendly healthy choices, and choosing healthier options when eating out.

This video includes activities ST and U in your workbook.

Video 8 - looking back and moving forward

During video 8 you will have the opportunity to reflect on your families' progress, as this is the final core video. This video is all about helping you to maintain healthy habits in the future, and includes looking at the support different health professionals may be able to provide.

This video includes activities VW and X in your workbook.

Optional video - selective eating

This video is optional and may not be appropriate for all children. This video can help you understand what selective eating is, how to expand your child's accepted foods and managing readiness and anxiety.

Please note this video contains some more complex language.

There are no workbook activities related to this video.

We hope this course has been beneficial to your family. If you are continuing on to the County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust Specialist Paediatric Weight Management Service, you will receive further support from a Paediatrician, Dietitian and/or Psychologist (if appropriate). If you have received a letter in the post from the Specialist Paediatric Weight Management Service, details of how you can access 1-1 support will be included here.