We encourage patients and their visitors to comment on any aspect of the care that they have received or tell us anything that would have improved their experience. We are committed to providing you with safe, compassionate and joined-up care and the best treatment possible.

Your feedback is really important to us

By telling us about your experiences, we can better understand what is important to you, what we are doing well and if there are any areas you feel we need to improve. Your feedback helps us:

  • Provide services which are high quality and sensitive to the needs of patients, carers and visitors.
  • Improve the experience for patients, carers and visitors.
  • Make sure our services offer fair and equal access
  • Ensure we are open and transparent in all that we do
  • Feedback positive experiences to our teams and services

We're always looking at ways to improve

We're committed to providing high quality services, and we're always looking at ways to improve. We also acknowledge that sometimes we do not always get things right.

If you wish to share something positive with us, please get in touch. If you are unhappy with the care or treatment you or someone else is receiving, please tell a member of staff straight away as this will allow staff to discuss your issue and resolve this locally if possible.

Raising a concern will not affect your future care or treatment in any way. If you do not wish to raise the issue with staff, you can contact us to discuss your concerns in more detail. We would encourage you to let us know as soon as possible if you are experiencing problems whilst in our care so we can work with you to put things right.