Self referral
A corticosteroid injection is a powerful anti-inflammatory and can be very effective in giving pain relief when soft tissue or joints are inflamed. The below information may be useful if you have been assessed as requiring a steroid injection.
There is a rare risk of severe allergic reaction to the steroid known as anaphylaxis, and generally occurs in the first 30 minutes after the injection. If you experience any of the following symptoms in the days following injection please go straight to the Emergency Department, stating that you have had a steroid injection.
Seek medical advice if you feel unwell, feverish or there are signs of infection around the injection site heat, redness, swelling or further restriction of joint movement.
The risk of a complication arising from a steroid injection is low and serious complications are extremely rare. However occasionally the following may occur and may require medical attention:
More information about steroid injections and how they work can be found here.