As part of a wider Teen Mother Pathway, the Sexual Health Team offer pregnant young women aged under 25 and living in the Durham County Council local authority area, contraception and sexual health support through an antenatal Contraception Plan. Pregnant young women are referred by their midwife at booking and are offered up to 3 consultation appointments at different stages in their pregnancy.
The Contraception Plan consists of:
- A sexual health assessment to explore any pre-existing risks that may affect the unborn baby
- Promoting the use of condoms and provide C cards where required
- Offering dual chlamydia and gonorrhoea screening and support to access GUM services if appropriate
- Contraception education to support the young women to identify suitable methods of contraception in preparation for after baby is born
- Providing information on local sexual health services
- Offering an appointment to attend local Contraception and Sexual Health (CaSH) clinic for postnatal contraception
- Raising awareness of Emergency Contraception including how and when to access it if required